On rethorical arguments

As individuals, we often build our beliefs and ideas on personal perspectives and opinions. However, when it comes to presenting arguments, we need to support our claims with logical premises and strong assertions. By combining relevant premises, we can create a compelling argument that proves our position on a particular topic.
This applies to all forms of discourse, whether it be a conversation between two people, a legal case in court, or even in computer science. In fact, in the field of computer science, arguments are often presented as boolean statements that must satisfy certain conditions. By using conjunctions and disjunctions, such as the “and” and “or” operators, we can create complex conditions that filter through use cases in if-statements.
However, as developers, we must also be mindful of exceptions and warnings to handle undesirable behaviors. By composing conditions that accurately reflect the subject at hand, we can ensure that our code is consistent and reliable.
Take the rubber duck example: our object is made of rubber AND is the representation of a duck. It means any other material than rubber or representation than a duck would make the object not a “rubber duck” i.e. false.

One great tool to aid in this process is the retoric package, written in Javascript. This powerful tool allows developers to provide detailed explanations for any failed reasoning based on given premises. By using this package, we can create a more coherent and persuasive argument that leads to a better overall application.
On the respective repository on Github, a NodeJS example in the folder “examples” provides the main use cases. You can reproduce them by following the steps below (this tutorial requires installed packages npm and nodejs):
- Clone the repository “trouchet/retoric” on a local folder;
- Open a Linux terminal;
- Run command
npm i && npm start
In conclusion, whether we are building arguments in everyday conversations or in the realm of computer science, it is essential to present our ideas with strong premises and assertions. By doing so, we can create a compelling argument that is both logical and persuasive.